Our Mission
The mission of the South Loudoun Youth Chorale is to empower young musicians to become leaders in their music programs through enriching musical experiences, to connect our community through inspiring performances, and engage children of all backgrounds through educational initiatives which embolden them to become independent musicians and exceptional citizens.
Our Vision
The South Loudoun Youth Chorale will engage youth in high-quality music education experiences and meaningful performance opportunities to develop and build passionate advocates of choral music in their music programs and communities.
The South Loudoun Youth Chorale will be a dedicated advocate for music education and create collaborative performances to engage diverse audiences in our local community.
The South Loudoun Youth Chorale will inspire youth of all genders, ethnicities, religions, and racial backgrounds to foster personal growth through the study of music.
The South Loudoun Youth Chorale will offer scholarships to reach youth from low income households and/or inadequate exposure to music education.
Through their participation in the South Loudoun Youth Chorale, singers will develop and pursue a lifelong relationship with diverse musical genres, underrepresented composers, and a variety of languages and cultures. In addition to music education and performance experiences, students will learn commitment, team work, compassion, and self-confidence in order to mold and shape life-long global citizens.
The South Loudoun Youth Chorale will establish collaborative partnerships with local arts communities and artists in order to provide singers with a meaningful and memorable performance experience.
Our Core Values
What does it mean to #getSLYC?
SLYC Singers Serve
At SLYC, we encourage our singers to live a life of service: service to our choir, service to our families, and service to our schools and community. SLYC singers ask, “What can I do to help my friends, fellow choristers, my family, or my community today?”
An act of service in SLYC can look like making sure you are prepared for rehearsal by practicing and knowing your music, or helping a friend learn their part. Outside of SLYC, an act of service looks like getting involved in a local charity, helping your neighbor carry their groceries, or opening a door for someone in need.
SLYC Singers Lead
Being a member of SLYC means holding yourself to a higher standard. It means not only being actively involved in your school’s music program; it means setting the example both artistically and behaviorally. SLYC singers serve as ambassadors of choral music to their community and are passionate advocates for the arts. Teachers and students alike will look to you to set an example at all times and in all things.
SLYC Singers Spread JoY
At the forefront of our mission, the South Loudoun Youth Chorale aims to connect our community through joyful performances. SLYC singers are expected to bring a positive attitude to all rehearsals and concerts. Singers encourage one another and know to be the light in any room they enter, and spread joy in whatever they’re involved in.
SLYC Singers Care
SLYC singers are intentional in everything they do. They pay attention to the details, whether in their music or in life. They care about more than just themselves, and it shows through their actions. Whether it’s self-care, caring for others, or caring about the success of a rehearsal or performance, SLYC singers show up for their responsibilities and show care through diligent preparation.