The South Loudoun Youth Chorale currently serves grades 4-12 in both non-auditioned choirs in our training division as well as a variety of auditioned performance choir options for older students.
Ashley Forrest, Conductor
Training Choir (Non-Auditioned)
4-6th Grade Treble Voices
Meets Monday evenings 5:30-6:30pm
Our newest choir offering! Members of Enchant learn to sing with the posture, breath control, and musicality of a young artist; they also develop sight-reading and music literacy skills while enhancing their performance abilities, including choreography. They perform unison and two-part repertoire in various styles and languages, presenting 2-3 performances each year.
Erik Jacobs, Conductor
Performance Choir (auditioned)
7-9th Grade Treble Voices
Meets Monday evenings 6:00pm-7:20pm
Young people develop their abilities in singing, musicality, sight-reading, and music literacy, along with honing their performance skills. This ensemble performs advanced-level repertoire in three- and four-part harmonies and delivers 3-4 performances a year.
Erik Jacobs, Conductor
Performance Choir (auditioned)
7-12th Grade Tenor/Bass Voices
Meets Monday evenings 7:30-8:30pm
Singers are required to exhibit advanced vocal abilities and proficiency in sight-reading and harmonization. Members of Fortify master a demanding repertoire of challenging music across various styles, and deliver 3-4 performances a year.
Laura Lazarevich, Conductor
Performance Choir (auditioned)
10-12th Grade Treble Voices
Meets Monday evenings 7:00-8:30pm
Singers must show advanced vocal abilities and a high-level proficiency in sight-reading and harmonization. Elevate excels in a demanding program of challenging music in various styles, and presents 3-4 performances each season.
Laura Lazarevich, Conductor
Performance Choir (auditioned)
9th-12th Grade Mixed Chorus
Meets Monday evenings 8:30-9:15pm
SLYC’s premiere vocal ensemble. Members of Summit are selected from an internal audition process. All Summit singers must be members in good standing of either Illuminate, Elevate, or Fortify.
Reaching the summit of a mountain is a journey that demands every ounce of your strength, perseverance, and determination. As you ascend, each step challenges your resolve, pushing you to go beyond your limits. The path may be steep, the air thin, and the obstacles many, but with each stride, you grow stronger, more resilient, and more aware of your own capabilities. When you finally stand at the peak, the view is breathtaking—not just because of the landscape before you, but because of the journey that brought you there.
The summit is not just an end, but a new beginning. For with each mountain you conquer, you gain a clearer vision of the other peaks on the horizon, each one calling you to climb higher, dream bigger, and strive further. To summit one mountain means to see more clearly the other mountains you may wish to climb.